3. Merchant Integration Flow: Card Tokenisation and Tokenised Payments

3.2.7 Tokenised Card Payment: Step 5 – Asynchronous Payment Result POST Asynchronous Payment Result POST from Tokenised Payment Request

After the bank has processed the tokenised payment request,
a response is sent back to the merchant indicating the outcome of the actual payment against the tokenised card. 4.5 Appendix E: Bank Response Codes.

Figure 20. Tokenised Payment: Step 5 – Asynchronous Payment Result Post-Back Asynchronous Payment Result POST from Tokenised Payment Request: Field Definitions

Table 20. Tokenised Payment: Step 5 – Asynchronous Payment Result Post-Back Fields
# Field
Type Length Description
1. id M String The unique transaction identifier assigned by payment gateway for a successfully processed payment.
2. statusid M String The outcome of the payment:
  • 4 – Settled
  • 9 – Settle/Failed
3. authcode M String Authorisation code received from the bank for the settled payment.
4. ordernumber M String The merchants order number that was sent to Payment for the payment request.
5. bankresponsemessage M String Message received from bank with the response code in parenthesis. e.g. "Approved (00)"
6. retrievalreferencenumber M String RRN from the bank.
7. status M String Status description reflecting the outcome of statusid:
  • settled
  • settled/Failed

